
31 33 48 ASM NEWS The monthly publication about ASM members, chapters, events, awards, conferences, affiliates, and other Society activities. 3D PRINTSHOP Learn what’s new in additive manufacturing from the University of Michigan and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. FRED E. SCHMIDT, JR. 2017-2018 PRESIDENT OF ASM INTERNATIONAL Meet Fred E. Schmidt, Jr., FASM, the new president of ASM. RECENT ADVANCES IN ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF HIGH STRENGTH 7000 SERIES ALUMINUM John H. Martin, Brennan D. Yahata, Eric C. Clough, Robert D. Mone, Justin A. Mayer, Ekaterina Stonkevitch, Randall C. Schubert, Julie A. Miller, Jacob M. Hundley, Tobias A. Schaedler, and Tresa M. Pollock A new process called nanofunctionalization was successfully used to control the solidifying microstructure during additive manufacturing and produce crack-free 7000 and 6000 series aluminum alloys for the first time. 18 A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8 2 Laser powder bed additive manufacturing. Long exposure (10 s) optical photograph of build volume. Courtesy of HRL Laboratories LLC. On the Cover: