
edfas.org 7 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 electrically connected, anddevoidof confoundingdamage and contamination. Even in FIB-prepared samples where surface leakage dominates transport under bias, the STEM EBIC signal can still providedetailed informationabout the local electronic structure.[18] For example, the photodiode in Fig. 3 generates strong EBIC contrast while exhibiting 1000 times more leakage than its parent device despite having a 1 million times smaller active device area. STEM EBIC can also play a role in the development of FIB-based biasing sample preparation, providing a quantitative assessment of samples’ electronic structure, including straightforward visualization of device connectivity and isolation across nominally insulating regions.[19] CONCLUSION With optimization of the sample preparation procedure, in situ biasing and STEM EBIC measurements can be implemented as routine methodologies within existing characterization workflows. 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