
edfas.org ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 56 speaker in Taiwan can give a presentationwhile groups in Austin, Dallas, Phoenix, Hillsboro, and Albany are actively engaged. The Lonestar Chapter is utilizing the infrastructure that ASM has implemented and found it a fantastic approach to engage and bring together members and future members in all stages of their careers outside the traditional ISTFA meeting. That is our goal as a rejuvenated chapter. Accelerated Analysis. ............................................ 56 Allied High Tech. ..............................................28-29 ASM International. ....................... Inside back cover Checkpoint Technologies................................14-15 Quantum Focus....................................................... 3 Ted Pella................................................................ 27 TESCAN USA Inc........................... Inside front cover ULTRA TEC...............................................Back cover For advertising information and rates, contact: Kelly Johanns, Business Development Manager 440.671.3851, kelly.johanns@asminternational.org Current rate card may be viewed online at asminternational.org/mediakit. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS A RESOURCE FOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS GUEST EDITORIAL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 TheLonestar Chapter hasmany ideasonhowtoengage outside of the ISTFA meeting. We all learned the value of meeting virtually if in-person gatherings cannot occur. We are fortunate that infrastructure is in place within ASM to offer hybrid-style meetings where participants far away can engage nearly as actively as those in-person. A new platform called ASM Connect offers the ability to post recordings of meetings or seminars. Today, a Advertise in Electronic Device Failure Analysis magazine! For information about advertising in Electronic Device Failure Analysis: Kelly Johanns, Business Development Manager 440.671.3851, kelly.johanns@asminternational.org Current rate card may be viewed online at asminternational.org/mediakit.