
edfas.org ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 52 With this new capability, EAG scient i sts can provide simultaneous and cor- relat ive topographical, mech- a n i c a l , a n d chemical information using a single tool; spectroscopic characterization of tracematerials such as surface contaminants and thin coatingswith a spatial resolutiondown to ~10 nm (100x better than their best Raman capabilities); and chemical information complementary to existingmicroscopy and nanomechanical tools (AFM, SEM-EDS, TEM, and NI). For more information, visit eag.com. INTEL APPLIES FOR STACKED FORKSHEET TRANSISTOR PATENT Intel has applied for a patent on a “stacked forksheet transistor,” a typeof stacked transistor thatmight allowthe company to produce chips with 18 Angstrom transistors, according to a report by TechXplore. The patent application was filled out by Intel’s Components Research Group and demonstrates the company’s interest in developing chips that are either faster or do more with the same amount of power. The design is described as a transistor device that is made using a vertical stack of semiconductor channels next to the edges of a backbone. Then, a second transistor, which alsohas a vertical stack of semiconductor channels next to a backbone is stacked on top of the first transistor. Pursuing this stacked transistor technology allows Intel to add more transistors to a chip and achieve faster communication between transistors by giving chips the ability to send signals in three dimensions rather than two, the technology used in current chips. Intel included a node called “20A” on slides it made public recently showing the company’s newnode naming convention where the A stands for Angstrom. Twenty Angstroms is equivalent to 2 nanometers (the size refers to the distance between gates), which suggests the new transistor design (using what the company describes as RibbonFET technology) would be sub 3 nm, which is the current company standard. Along with the new node naming, Intel also suggested that itwouldbemaking some refinements to the 20A, which would lead to the development of the 18A. Some in the press have suggested that the new refinement could be the application of stacked forksheeting. For more information, visit techxplore.com. AFM height map, left, of a PLGA nanoparticle embedded in mica with the corresponding single wavenumber chemical map, right, taken at 1760 cm-1. NOTEWORTHY NEWS ITC 2023 The International Test Conference (ITC) will be held October 8-23 at Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif. ITC is the world’s premier conference dedicated to the electronic test of devices, boards, and systems covering the complete cycle fromdesign verification, test, diagnosis, failure analysis, and back to process and design improvement. At ITC, test and design professionals will confront the challenges the industry faces and learn how these issues are being addressed by the combined efforts of academia, design tool and equipment suppliers, designers, and test engineers. ITC, the cornerstone of TestWeek events, offers a wide variety of technical activities targeted at test and design theoreticians and practitioners. The conference includes paper sessions, keynotes, tutorials, case studies, and commercial exhibits and presentations, and a host of ancillary professional meetings. ITC is sponsored by the IEEE. For more information, visit itctestweek.org.