
edfas.org 51 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 excellent value for standard br ightf i e l d i m a g i n g applications. The LC35 benefits from the ease of use of Olympus’ camera softwarewith seamless support and upgradeability. The camera’s 3.5-megapixel CMOS sensor enables the user to capture detailed brightfield images for routine imaging, inspection, and documentation. Versatile exposure times and resolution modes make the camera flexible to use with a wide range of samples under different observation conditions. Because color is critical in brightfield imaging, the camera displays the samples in their natural color tones, reducing the need for post image capture corrections. With a frame rate up to 40 frames per second, navigating around the sample is fast and easy, so the user can achieve precise focusing and fast image capture. The LC35 camera seamlessly integrates with Olympus imaging systems, which includes full microscope setup assistance, software support, and optical compatibility. For basic imaging and documentation, the camera can be easily controlled using the free LCmicro software. For more advanced image acquisition and analysis tasks, the camera can be used with the advanced image analysis programs, including cellSens software for life science and Olympus Stream and PRECiV software for industrial applications. For more information, visit olympus-lifescience.com. EAG LABORATORIES ADDS NanoIR ANALYSIS CAPABILITIES EAG Laboratories announces the addition of NanoIR capabilities to its range of analytical techniques. NanoIR combines the nanometer scale spatial resolving capabilities of atomic force microscopy (AFM) with the chemical characterization capabilities of infrared spectroscopy. PRODUCT NEWS Ted Kolasa, Northrop Grumman ted.kolasa@gmail.com PRESS RELEASE SUBMISSIONS: MAGAZINES@ASMINTERNATIONAL.ORG VELOCITY ULTRA EBSD CAMERA Edax, a leader in x-ray microanalysis and electron diffraction instrumentation, introduces a new faster lownoise CMOS camera to its Velocity electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) camera series. The Velocity Ultra is now the fastest EBSD camera in theworld, offering high-speed EBSDmappingwith the highest indexing performance on real-world materials. Powered by a CMOS sensor optimized for high-speed EBSD, the Velocity EBSD Camera Series combines indexing speeds up to 6700 indexed points per second with indexing success rates of 99% or better. This image resolution, combined with the Edax Triplet Indexing routine, provides orientation precision values of less than 0.1°. “We are very excited to add the Ultra to the Edax Velocity Series,” says EBSDproductmanager Matt Nowell. “Increasing the acquisition speed of our EBSD detectors lets our users use their scanning electronmicroscope time more efficiently and improves characterization capability for dynamic experiments where speed is critical.” The Velocity EBSD Series can be integrated with compatible Edax energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detectors to provide an analytical system for efficient simultaneous EDS-EBSD collection, even at the highest collection speeds. Furthermore, the collection can be combined with ChI-Scan analysis for results with useful, integrated data for accurate phase differentiation. For more information, visit edax.com. COST EFFECTIVE LC35 BRIGHTFIELD MICROSCOPE CAMERA Olympus introduces its LC35 brightfield microscope camera as an affordable complementary component to their microscopes. The LC35 digital microscope camera balances image quality with affordability to deliver an Edax Velocity Ultra EBSD camera overlaying EBSD orientation map. Olympus LC35 digital microscope camera.