edfas.org ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 48 Contact Information ASM International 800.336.5152 MemberServiceCenter@asminternational.org asminternational.org CAM Workshop +49.345.5589.140 katja.pernack@imws.fraunhofer.de www.cam-workshop.de DATE www.date-conference.com DPC by IMAPS semiengineering.com/event/19th-annual-devicepackaging-conference-dpc-2023-by-imaps DVCON dvcon.org Embedded-World + embedded-world@nuernbergmesse.de embedded-world.de/en/exhibit HOST rosario.cammarota@intel.com mooney@ece.gatech.edu www.hostsymposium.org IRPS 732.562.6359 IRPSplanenrs@ieee.org irps.org/home ISES 888.570.5141 ises-usa.com EVENT DATE LOCATION Practical Fracture Mechanics 4/4-5 Novelty, OH Metallography for Failure Analysis 4/17-20 Novelty, OH Contact: ASM International Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference 4/17-19 Antwerp, Belgium Contact: DATE SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 4/24-27 Prague, Czech Republic Contact: SPIE CAM Workshop 4/25-26 Halle, Germany Contact: CAM Workshop April 2023 ISPD ispd.cc/ispd2023 ISSCC 240.687.1765 melissaw@widerkehr.com www.isscc.org ISS Europe semieurope@semi.org semi.org/eu/connect/events/ industry-strategy-symposium-europe Materials 2023 702.988.2320 materials@magnusconference.com matscienceconference.com SEMI 202.847.5983 spoblete@semi.org semi.org SEMICON Korea +82.2.531.7800 semiconkorea@semi.org semiconkorea.org/en Semitracks Inc. 505.858.0454 info@semitracks.com semitracks.com SPIE 360.676.3290 customerservice@spie.org spie.org EVENT DATE LOCATION Women in Semiconductor: WIS 5/1 Saratoga Springs, NY Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference 5/1-4 Saratoga Springs, NY Contact: SEMI IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST) 5/1-4 San Jose, CA Contact: HOST SEMICON Southeast Asia (SEA) 5/23-25 Penang, Malaysia Contact: SEMI May 2023 Check organizers’ websites below for the most up-to-date information. Visit the Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society website edfas.org