edfas.org 47 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 TRAINING CALENDAR LIFELONG LEARNING EDFAS believes in lifelong learning and supporting ourmembers and customers in that endeavor. Our goal is to provide a list of educational resources in failure analysis and related topics in each issue of EDFA magazine. In addition, explore all EDFAS has to offer from regional events, chapter courses, and tutorials and courses during ISTFA. Find out more by visiting edfas.org. Rosalinda M. Ring, Thermo Fisher Scientific jmj4papa@yahoo.com EVENT DATE LOCATION SEMICON Korea 2023 2/1-3 Seoul, Korea Contact: SEMICON Korea Principles of Failure Analysis 2/6-8 Virtual Event Practical Fractography 2/7-8 Virtual Event How to Organize and Run a Failure Investigation 2/7-8 Virtual Event Contact: ASM International ISS Europe: Industry Strategy Symposium 2/15-16 Vienna, Austria Contact: ISS Europe International SolidState Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2/19-23 San Francisco, CA Contact: ISSCC SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning 2/26-3/2 San Jose, CA Contact: SPIE Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition 2/27-3/2 San Jose, CA Contact: DVCON February 2023 EVENT DATE LOCATION EOS, ESD, and How to Differentiate 3/6-7 Munich, Germany Semiconductor Reliability and Product Qualification 3/13-16 Munich, Germany Wafer Fab Processing 3/13-16 Munich, Germany Failure and Yield Analysis 3/20-23 Munich, Germany Contact: Semitracks Inc. International Semiconductor Executive Summit 3/7-8 Chandler, AZ Contact: ISES International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (Materials 2023) 3/13-15 Hybrid, Singapore Contact: Materials 2023 Device Packaging Conference 2023 by IMAPS 3/13-16 Fountain Hills, AZ Contact: DPC by IMAPS Embedded World 2023 3/14-16 Nuremberg, Germany Contact: Embedded World SEMICON China 3/22-24 Shanghai, China Contact: SEMI International Symposium on Physical Design 3/26-29 Virtual Event Contact: ISPD International Reliability Physics Symposium 3/26-30 Monterey, CA Contact: IRPS March 2023