edfas.org ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 44 EDFAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS EDFAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT Chris Richardson, EDFAS Secretary, Allied High Tech Products Inc. crichardson@alliedhightech.com The EDFAS Board of Directors held its annual faceto-face meeting (with some board members on the phone) on October 29, 2022, in Pasadena, Calif. prior to ISTFA 2022. Our newEDFASboardpresident FelixBeaudoinopened the meeting with a special thanks to Lee Knauss, who is leaving theBoardaftermore than10 years of helping guide the EDFAS organization. Beaudoin also recognized now Past President James Demarest for his two years of service as Society president. EDFAS officers Renee Parente, vice president/finance officer, andChris Richardson, secretary, along with incoming Board of Director Member at Large BhanuSood, reappointedmember YanLi, and reappointed student member Tommaso Melis, were welcomed into their new roles. Beaudoin presented his vision for the Society for the coming year by focusing on three main points: Enlarge, Engage, and Empower. As a Boardwe want to provide the best value possible to members, so we look to grow our association byworkingwith ASM to growcorporatemembership, partner with sister societies, and better utilize the Board members to help create and then empower all subcommittees to be successful. We would like to help create more year-round engagement with members, not just once a year at ISTFA, which will help us continue to drive technical content and growth through our subcommittees empowering them to overcome the future challenges of electronic device failure analysis. ASM Chief Operating Officer Ryan Milosh discussed overall membership, which appears to be back on track with a “normal” growth trajectory when the two years for COVID exceptions are considered. One indicator of things returning to normal was when onsite training eclipsed virtual training in September for the first time in almost two years. Overall, the organization’s finances for the year are still expected to meet targets. The General Chair for ISTFA 2022, Zhigang Song, pro- vided a final update for the conference that featured two new sessions, 21 tutorials, 69 technical papers/ presentations, and a keynote speech “CMOS Scaling: Where to Next” talking about the emerging technology of NanoSheet transistors. ISTFA 2023 will be November 12 to 16 in Phoenix, Ariz. The General Chair, Frank Altman, announced the conference themewill be “Moving Toward Reliable Power Electronic Devices” and will feature a new technical session dedicated to power devices with focus on silicon carbide and gallium nitride. Renee Parente was unanimously approved by the Board to serve as the Technical Program Chair. Past EDFAS Board President, James Demarest, now the Awards andNominating Committee chair, announced that the 2022 President’s Award will be given to Becky Holdford for her more than 30 years of servicewith EDFAS and the ISTFA organizing committee. The 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Michael Bruce for his lifetime contributions to the advancement of backside failure analysis techniques and the development and adoption of soft defect localization, which has become a mainstay tool across the semiconductor industry. Nicholas Antoniou, editor of EDFA magazine, reported that the publication continues to have excellent technical content and is meeting its annual fiscal goals. The EDFA Editorial Committee is always looking for technical papers and is specifically seeking anyone interested in publishing a paper associated with failure analysis on battery technologies. The Board of Directors strives to strengthen the visibil- ity and credibility of our Society by providing value to EDFAS members, and through its volunteers, beneficial contributions to our industry. The EDFAS Board of Directors thanks all the volunteers whomake our Society the success that it is today. Aswithanysociety,weareconstant- ly looking for more volunteers to help shape the future; therefore, if youor someoneyouknowis interested inhelp- ing, please contact an EDFAS board member today!