
edfas.org 43 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 EDFAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS James Demarest, FASM, Chair, EDFAS Awards and Nominations Committee Immediate Past President, EDFAS jjdemar@us.ibm.com EDFAS is soliciting nominations for candidates for three members at large for the EDFAS Board of Directors. Youmust be amember of ASM and EDFAS in order to be considered for candidacy. Nominations are for member-at-large board positions for three-year terms beginning October 1. There are expected to be up to three positions open for nomination and anymember of EDFAS in good standing is encouraged tonominate themselves or another member for one of these positions. Incumbents may also seek reappointment by notifying the Awards and Nominations Committee Chair, James Demarest at jjdemar@us.ibm.com. Nominations are due March 1. Candidates who initiate or accept nominations will be asked to provide a one-page nomination package that includes the candidate’s academic/business biography, failure analysis background, EDFAS and ISTFA involvement, vision for the future of EDFAS, photograph, and contact information. Nomination packages should be sent toMary Anne Jerson at maryanne.jerson@asminternational.org. For more information, call 440.671.3877. Service on the EDFAS Board of Directors involves planning and driving the future strategy of your society. The board meets three times a year by teleconference and holds one face-to-face meeting at ISTFA. Board members also provide liaison support to several EDFAS committees, whichmay involve additional conference calls. Candidates are encouraged to ensure that they have the support of their employer for this activity. EDFAS is also seeking applicants for its student board member position. Students must be a registered undergraduate or graduate during the 2023-2024 academic year andmust be studying or involved in research in the field of failure analysis for the electronic/semiconductor industry. Visit edfas.org formore information. Applicationdeadline for students is February 15. Whether networking at events or accessing information through EDFA, ISTFA proceedings, or journals, our members have the edge. Now it’s time to introduce EDFAS to others in the industrywhowould like to take advantage of these careerenhancing benefits. Help us help the industry by expanding our membership and offering others the same exceptional access to information and networking that sets EDFAS apart. To reacquaint yourself with and introduce others to the EDFAS member benefits, visit asminternational.org/web/edfas/membership. EDFAS MEMBERSHIP