
edfas.org ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 42 EDFAS AWARDS SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR EDFAS AWARDS The ASM Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society established two awards to recognize the accomplishments of its members. The awards will be given at ISTFA 2023. Nominate a worthy colleague today! EDFAS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD EDFAS Lifetime Achievement Award was established by the EDFAS Board of Directors in 2015 to recognize leaders in the EDFAS community who have devoted their time, knowledge, and abilities to the advancement of the electronic device failure analysis industry. EDFAS PRESIDENT’S AWARD The EDFAS President’s Award shall recognize exceptional service to EDFAS and the electronic device failure analysis community. Examples of such service include, but are not limited to committee service, service on the Board of Directors, organization of conferences or symposia, development of education courses, student, and public outreach. While any member of EDFAS is expected to further the Society’s goals through service, this award shall recognize thosewho provided an exceptional amount of effort in their service to the Society. Nomination deadline for both awards is March 1. For rules and nomination forms, visit the EDFASwebsite at edfas.org, click on Membership & Networking and then Society Awards, or contact Mary Anne Jerson at 440.671.3877, maryanne. jerson@asminternational.org. NOTEWORTHY NEWS MICROSCOPY &MICROANALYSIS MEETING 2023 The Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) 2023 meeting will be held July 23 – 27, in Minneapolis, Minn. The scientific program features the latest advances in biological, physical, and analytical sciences as well as techniques and instrumentation. Complementing the program is one of the largest exhibitions of microscopy and microanalysis instrumentation and resources in the world. Educational opportunities include a variety of Sunday short courses, tutorials, workshops, and pre-meeting congresses for early-career scientists. The opening reception offers a networking venue for meeting newpeople in the field and renewing old acquaintances, while the Monday morning plenary session showcases talks from outstanding researchers and recognizes major Society and meeting award winners. In addition, daily poster awards will highlight the best student posters in instrumentation and techniques as well as biological and physical applications of microscopy and microanalysis. M&M is sponsored by the Microscopy Society of America, the Microanalysis Society, and the Microscopical Society of Canada. For more information, visit microscopy.org/MandM/2023.