
edfas.org 37 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 capability has proven to eliminate crosstalk from the LVP waveforms. Furthermore, the application provides potential todeterminewhere the logic corruption is occurring. For existing optical tools, the ideal setup would be developed using a two-channel digitizer to improve the data collection efficiency. After the presentation, a robust discussion regarding the differences between pico-second time-resolved laser assisted device alteration (PS-TRLADA) and differential laser voltage probe (dLVP) occurred. With PS-TRLADA, the logic path before the targeted corrupted flop is identified. However, with dLVP, the logic after the corrupted path can be found. The final presentation, “Device Alteration using a Scanning X-Ray Microscope,” by William Lo, NVIDIA, proposed the use of a scanning x-ray tool to induce threshold voltage shifts like laser assisted device alteration. With the inflection of backside power, techniques that can penetrate metal lines will provide needed value to the FA labs. The presented work provided a new scheme to implementing a common FA application, however, to become fully adopted in FA labs, more development is required to reduce the spot size from 9 to 3 µm, implement user friendly UI, and improve on the stages. Further investigation is also needed to determine how to recover the irradiation impact to active transistors. Overall, theOptical Fault Isolation, Test, andDiagnosis User Group generated conversations full of intellectual content. Participants shared in the desire to understand how applications would be effective on new technologies. With a robust discussion revolving around backside power, nanosheets, and electrical setup, the User Group was another success. “WITH THE INFLECTION OF BACKSIDE POWER, TECHNIQUES THAT CAN PENETRATE METAL LINES WILL PROVIDE NEEDED VALUE TO THE FA LABS.” ISTFA 2022 NANOPROBING USER GROUP Chair/Co-Chair: Greg Johnson and Nicholas Antoniou greg.johnson@zeiss.com, nicholas@primenanoinc.com The Nanoprobing Users Group opened with three short presentations and an abbreviated tutorial on transistor characteristics, what the termsmean, and how to measure them. The first presentation was given by Ravi Chintala, Bruker, who introduced the principles of DataCube, a 3D data visualization of AFM electrical information such as scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) dC/dV amplitude. This was followed by an introduction to scanning microwave impedance microscopy (sMIM) and examples of capacitance imaging and dopant level quantification. Chintala then presented images of AFM-IR chemical composition that contain chemical composition information with monolayer sensitivity and high spatial resolution. To conclude, he explained the process of 3D tomography using diamond probes. The secondpresentationwas givenbyWilliamCourbat, Imina Technologies, who shared challenges and solutions of SEM nanoprobing at the 5 nm node. Being able to integrate all the functionality and control in the same software streamlines the process. The importance of having a clean sample to make good electrical contact between the probe and sample was highlighted as well as ways to improve this using probe cross cleaning, plasma FIB and Ar/H2 plasmawere shown. For EBIC/EBACmeasurements, care must be taken not to change the device properties, so a low acceleration electron beam voltage is needed. The third short presentation was given by William HubbardonEBIC inSTEM. Sample prepusing a FIBand liftout to place the sample on a customEBIC silicon chipwas describedand results ona siliconphotodiodewere shown. The last presentation was an abridged tutorial on transistor testing and interpretation given by David Albert “BEING ABLE TO INTEGRATE ALL THE FUNCTIONALITY AND CONTROL IN THE SAME SOFTWARE STREAMLINES THE PROCESS.”