edfas.org ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 30 ISTFA 2022 HIGHLIGHTS Zhigang Song, ISTFA 2022 General Chair IBM, Fishkill, New York zsong@ibm.com EDFAAO (2023) 1:30-33 1537-0755/$19.00 ©ASM International® The 48th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA) was successfully held from October 30 to November 3 in Pasadena, Calif. The semiconductor failure analysis community came together to discuss the theme of “Chasing Ever-Smaller and More Elusive Defects” for yield improvement at a time with a semiconductor chip shortage and growing demand for new types of chips. A total of 658 attendees participated inmany events including the technical program, tutorials, keynote speech, panel discussion, user groups, standardized and AI enhanced FA workflows, FA roadmap, and exhibition. Besides these innovative and informative technique-oriented events, attendees also enjoyed the relaxed social event, networking sessions, and coffee breaks to chat with each other and build connections. Dealing with the challenges posed by smaller and elusive defects is always an interest of the semiconductor failure analysis community. At ISTFA 2022, there were many events tailored to meet attendees’ interests. On Sunday, October 30, 21 tutorials were conducted in three tracks of parallel sessions on topics such as electrical yield, fault isolation, package and physical analysis challenges, microscopy, and technology-specific FA. Thanks to the Tutorial Committee, led by Renee Parente and TedKolasa. This year the tutorials were more concise and covered more topics. Each tutorial lasted one hour. TECHNICAL PROGRAM The technical symposium was undeniably the core of ISTFA 2022. Thanks to Yan Li and her team for their hard work. The symposium had a total of 94 high quality oral and poster presentations in 18 technical sessions, providing a unique forum for failure analysts to present innovative techniques and methods developed in the FA community to enhance their capability for chasing small and elusive defects. Ever-smaller and more elusive defects originate from semiconductor technology innovation. This year’s keynote speech presentation was given by Dr. Emmanuel Crabbé, IBM Fellow. During his interesting presentation entitled Emmanuel Crabbé from IBM delivered the keynote to a packed audience.