
edfas.org ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 2 PURPOSE: To provide a technical condensation of information of interest to electronic device failure analysis technicians, engineers, and managers. Nicholas Antoniou Editor/PrimeNano nicholas@primenanoinc.com Mary Anne Fleming Director, Journals, Magazines & Digital Media Joanne Miller Senior Editor Victoria Burt Managing Editor Allison Freeman Production Supervisor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Navid Asadi University of Florida Guillaume Bascoul CNES France Felix Beaudoin GlobalFoundries Michael R. Bruce Consultant David L. Burgess Accelerated Analysis Jiann Min Chin Advanced Micro Devices Singapore Edward I. Cole, Jr. Sandia National Labs Rosine Coq Germanicus Universitié de Caen Normandie Szu Huat Goh Qualcomm Ted Kolasa Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems Rosalinda M. Ring Thermo Fisher Scientific Tom Schamp Materials Analytical Services LLC David Su Yi-Xiang Investment Co. Paiboon Tangyunyong Sandia National Labs Martin Versen University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, Germany FOUNDING EDITORS Edward I. Cole, Jr. Sandia National Labs Lawrence C. Wagner LWSN Consulting Inc. GRAPHIC DESIGN Jan Nejedlik, jan@designbyj.com PRESS RELEASE SUBMISSIONS magazines@asminternational.org Electronic Device Failure Analysis™ (ISSN 1537-0755) is published quarterly by ASM International®, 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073; tel: 800.336.5152; website: edfas. org. Copyright©2023by ASM International. Receive Electronic Device Failure Analysis as part of your EDFAS membership. Non-member subscription rate is $175 U.S. per year. Authorization tophotocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by ASM International for libraries and other users registeredwith theCopyright ClearanceCenter (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $19 per article is paid directly toCCC, 222 RosewoodDrive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Electronic Device Failure Analysis is indexed or abstracted by Compendex, EBSCO, Gale, and ProQuest. The Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society (EDFAS) is an affiliate society within ASM International (ASM) with several unique attributes. EDFAS has its own magazine, user groups that meet during their annual conference, the International Symposiumfor Test andFailureAnalysis (ISTFA)meeting, and local chapters. Historically, the EDFAS chapters have been theGoldenGateChapter based in theCaliforniaBay Area and the Lonestar Chapter based in the Dallas area. Over time, the significant growth of the semiconductor industry in the Austinmetroplex suggested to the EDFAS Board that the Lonestar Chapter may thrive if relocated. Thus in 2019, the authors of this article initiated the process of relocating the Texas-based Lonestar Chapter to help it reach a broader base. Plans weremade to shift the chapter to the Austinmetroplex and organize meetings basedaround the goals of networking andproviding benefits from the EDFASmembership beyond the ISTFA annual meeting. By February of 2020, the team was set to send out invitations kicking off the relocated Lonestar Chapter. However, as we all know, in early 2020, the state of the world forced all plans for in-person gatherings to go on hold. Instead, the chapter began hosting virtual meetings with guest speakers from academia and industry, which importantly initiated the regular interaction of the Texas EDFAS community. On October 4, 2022, the EDFAS Lonestar Chapter gathered in person in Austin, Texas for a social event attended by approximately 18 people from various companies. All attendees shared a connection to the electronic device failure analysis community and this great event facilitated the connection of many that were to see each other again at ISTFA in Pasadena, Calif. a few weeks later. The fundamental goal of the local chapter is now being recognized. Both members and prospective members of EDFAS and ASM are putting faces to names, meeting those who might offer technical insights, or who might be a future hiring manager. Interns mingled with experienced professionals, emerging professionals met with vendors, and non-members were seeing a benefit of joining EDFAS and ASM. FEBRUARY 2023 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 1 A RESOURCE FOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS GUEST EDITORIAL THE REVITALIZATION OF THE EDFAS LONESTAR CHAPTER Joe Caroselli, AMD joseph.caroselli@amd.com Renee Parente, AMD renee.parente@amd.com Tom Schamp, Materials Analytical Services tschamp@mastest.com edfas.org Caroselli (continued on page 56) Parente Schamp