
edfas.org 1 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 25 NO . 1 DEPARTMENTS Scanning Microwave Impedance Microscopy: Overview and Low Temperature Operation Nicholas Antoniou Scanning microwave impedance microscopy is a nearfield technique using microwaves to probe the electrical properties of materials with nanoscale lateral resolution. Author Guidelines Author guidelines and a sample article are available at edfas.org. Potential authors should consult the guidelines for useful information prior to manuscript preparation. 4 9 A RESOURCE FOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS FEBRUARY 2023 | VOLUME 25 | ISSUE 1 edfas.org ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS 2 GUEST EDITORIAL Joe Caroselli, Renee Parente, and Tom Schamp 34 PANEL & USER GROUP SUMMARY 41 2022 EDFAS AWARD WINNERS 42 2023 EDFAS AWARDS 43 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS James Demarest 44 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NEWS Chris Richardson 45 DIRECTORY OF FA PROVIDERS Rosalinda Ring 47 TRAINING CALENDAR Rosalinda Ring 49 LITERATURE REVIEW Michael R. Bruce 51 PRODUCT NEWS Ted Kolasa 54 GUEST COLUMN Yan Li 56 ADVERTISERS INDEX Processes for Thinning and Polishing Highly Warped Die to a Nearly Consistent Thickness: Part II Kirk A. Martin The processes and considerations for locally thinning an area of interest to the desired remaining silicon thickness are described. 16 For the digital edition, log in to edfas.org, click on the “News/Magazines” tab, and select “EDFA Magazine.” Making Connections: Challenges and Opportunities for In Situ TEM Biasing William A. Hubbard This article discusses sample preparation challenges that have impeded progress in producing bias-enabled TEM samples fromelectronic components, as well as strategies to mitigate these issues. 9 4 Transforming an Industry: An Inventor’s Tale of FIB In Situ Lift-Out Cheryl Hartfield This is the story of how the mainstream Omniprobe FIB lift-out solutionwas invented and delivered to themarket. 20 ABOUT THE COVER “Sparky the Cap.” Blown ceramic stacked cap microsection. Sparky was the “face” of this failure. Photo by Stephen Fasolino, Raytheon Technologies, First Place Winner in Color Images, 2022 EDFAS Photo Contest. 16 20 ISTFA 2022 Highlights A recap of the ISTFA 2022 event includes General Chair Zhigang Song’s wrap-up as well as a list of the winning ISTFA papers and posters. 30