edfas.org 39 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO. 1 T he EDFASBoardof Directors held its annualmeeting virtually onWednesday, November 4, 2020, preced- ing the 2020 EDFAS Virtual Workshop. Board president James J. Demarest opened the meetingwith awarmthank you to the team. He expressed sincere appreciation for service to the EDFAS outgo- ing board members Zhiyong Wang, FASM, Ryan Ross, Becky Holdford, and Ted Lundquist. EDFAS officers Felix Beaudoin, FASM, vice president/finance officer, andRenee Parente, appointed secretary, received warm welcomes along with John Kuli, ASM board liaison, Vahid Attari, reappointed student board member, and members at large James Colvin, Tejinder Gandhi, and Rosalinda Ring. ASM’smembership and affiliates director, Nicole Hale, provided the ASM update and reviewed the financial dashboard. Markedly, membership numbers are holding steady. At of the beginning of November 2020, EDFAS membership numbered 1043 with 85% of our members fromtheUnited States. Hale also shared data that showed the EDFAS membership number trend steadily climbing upward year over year. TheEDFAS2020VirtualWorkshop’s general chair, David Grosjean, outlined the December 7-9 event. The technical program comprises of 47 papers and 13 poster presenta- tions with live Q&A run on the Bravura platform. Included in the workshop will be a keynote, along with both panel and FA roadmap discussions. Looking forward to ISTFA 2021, general chair Susan Li announced Frank Altmann as technical programchair. Not surprisingly, it is anticipated that ISTFA 2021, scheduled to be in Phoenix, Arizona, will have a level of virtual engagement opportunities. Past EDFAS Board President, Lee Knauss, reviewed the EDFAS Awards and Nominations. Congratulations were extended to Cheryl Hartfield for the 2020 President’s Award and to Philippe Perdu for the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award. Knauss solicited2021EDFASBoardof Director nominations as twonewboardmembers andone student member are desired. The EDFAS board consists of 13 board members with 11 of the members as voting members, together with the non-voting student member and the previous year’s ISTFA general chair. The EDFAS Board of Directors will also be shortly deciding upon the notable ASM Fellow Award. Committee chairs Nicholas Antoniou, Bhanu Sood, and Keith Serrels provided updates from their respective teams. Antoniou leads the EDFA Editorial Committee and reviewed the EDFA 2021 content projections. Sood touted the ASM member educational benefit of the 20-minute FA Tutorials now visible on ASM Connect. Serrels shared the FA Roadmap gap analysis, which highlights the top failure analysis technical challenges in the microscopy, sample prep, nondestructive evaluation, fault isolation, and testing and fault simulation categories. The EDFAS Board of Directors looks forward to stra- tegically focusing on people engagement, knowledge engagement, and industry engagement throughout the next year. Your interaction with the board is always highly encouraged and welcomed. Please reach out and connect with any board member to share your ideas or get involved. One way to stay in touch with the Board and your peers is by logging onto the ASM Connect platform at connect.asminternational.org and selecting the EDFAS Online Member Community. We look forward to connect- ing with you. EDFAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT Renee S. Parente, EDFAS Secretary, AMD renee.parente@amd.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS NEWS
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