edfas.org ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO. 1 38 ISTFA PROCEEDINGS ADDED TO ASM DIGITAL LIBRARY 25 years of papers from the premier event for microelectronics failure analysis now available in ASM International’s Digital Library platform. The Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society (EDFAS), an affiliate society of ASM International, is proud to announce the launch of the new ISTFA Proceedings site in the ASMDigital Library. The newsite, located at https://dl.asminternational. org/istfa, provides convenient access to conference papers from the renowned International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis annual event. The transition of ISTFA Proceedings to the ASMDigital Librarywill bringmore than 2,000 articles and case histories on all aspects of microelectronic device characterization and failure analysis published since 1996 to a content delivery platform offering “best of breed” search, browse, filtering, linking, and content access. The ISTFA content is the first set of proceed- ings added to the ASM Digital Library. Proceedings papers from additional ASM conference series will be added in 2021. The ISTFA conference is the premier forum for themicroelectronic device testing and failure analysis community, which meets annually to exchange information on technical topics such as microscopy, scanning probe analysis, nanoprobing, electrical characterization, sample preparation and deprocessing, fault isolation, and diagnostics. Other topics regularly addressed include packaging and assembly level analysis, focused ion beam circuit edit, counterfeit microelectronics, hardware attacks, and mixed-mode, high-power, and photonic device failures. The symposium has consistently provided attendees with the latest analysis techniques necessary to obtain accurate and timely information on device-related issues. The collected proceedings papers nowavailable in the ASMDigital Library serve as a comprehensive reference of the state-of-the-art research, development, tools, and techniques as presented at ISTFA conferences over the most recent quarter decade. “The launch of ISTFA Proceedings enables convenient access to this valuable content to the EDFAS membership and the broader electronic device community,” said Dr. James J. Demarest, EDFAS President. “We are very pleased that the ISTFA content was selected by ASM as the first set of conference content to be added to the ASMDigital Library. Enhancing the ability of ISTFA content to be discovered, accessed, and cited has been a significant goal of EDFAS.” The ISTFA Proceedings site joins ASM Handbooks Online, ASM Technical Books, the ASM Failure Analysis Database, and Alloy Digest in the interactive ASM Digital Library platform. Additional resources are scheduled to be added to the platform in 2021. Full access to ISTFA Proceedings is provided as a benefit of membership in the Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society. Multiuser site licenses for companies and institutions are available. For information on subscription access to ISTFA Proceedings, contact the ASM Online Database Manager at onlinedbsales@asminternational.org .
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