May_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 22 NO. 2 44 TRAINING CALENDAR LIFELONG LEARNING EDFAS believes in lifelong learning and supporting ourmembers and customers in that endeavor. Our goal is to provide a list of educational resources in failure analysis and related topics in each issue of EDFA magazine. In addition, explore all EDFAS has to offer from regional events, chapter courses, and tutorials and courses during ISTFA. Find out more by visiting Rose M. Ring, Howard Hughes Research Lab LLC June 2020 EVENT DATE LOCATION Metallographic Techniques 5/4-7 Novelty, OH Practical Fractography 5/18-19 Novelty, OH Contact: ASM International SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference 5/4-7 Saratoga Springs, NY Contact: ASMC International Electrostatic Discharge Workshop (IEW) Germany 5/4-8 Hamburg, Germany Contact: SMTconnect Medical Electronics Symposium 5/12-13 Cleveland, OH Contact: SMTA SEMICON Southeast Asia 5/12-14 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Contact: SEMI Southeast Asia International Memory Workshop (IMW) 5/17-20 Dresden, Germany Contact: IMW IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs 5/17-20 Vienna, Austria Contact: ISPSD Introduction to SEM and EDS for the New Operator 5/31 Bethlehem, PA Introduction to TEM 5/31 Bethlehem, PA Contact: Lehigh Microscopy School May 2020 EVENT DATE LOCATION IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference 6/1-4 San Jose, CA Contact: IITC Principles of Failure Analysis 6/1-4 Novelty, OH Contact: ASM International Transmission Electron Microscopy 6/1-5 Bethlehem, PA Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis: Problem Solving using EDS and WDS Techniques 6/1-5 Bethlehem, PA Focused Ion Beam (FIB): Instrumentation and Applications 6/1-5 Bethlehem, PA Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis 6/1-5 Bethlehem, PA Contact: Lehigh Microscopy School International Conference for Electronics Hardware Enabling Technologies (ICEHET) 6/2-4 Markham, Canada Contact: SMTA STEM: Probing Local Structure, Chemistry, and Functional Properties of Materials 6/7-13 Ithaca, NY Contact: Cornell University Summer School Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits 6/14-19 Honolulu, HI Contact: VLSI MEMS & Imaging Sensors Summit 6/22-24 Grenoble, France Contact: SEMI Symposium on Counterfeit Parts and Materials 6/23-25 College Park, MD Contact: SMTA