May_EDFA_Digital 39 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 22 NO. 2 and musical relaxing time. With up to three parallel tracks, the conference was packed with rich content. Thanks to the large effort and efficient evaluation of scientific presentations by the Best Paper Award Committee chaired by George Papaioannou (University of Athens, Greece), the following three papers were designated as outstanding. The authors received financial support to travel and an invitation to one of the sister conferences: IRPS 2020, IPFA 2020, or ISTFA 2020. • “Stability and Degradation of Insulation and Surface in Ga 2 O 3 Devices,” Carlo De Santi et al., (University of Padova, Italia) • “Characterization of the Onset of Carrier Multiplication in Power Devices by a Collimated Radioactive Alpha Source,” Marco Pocaterra et al., (ETH-Zurich, Switzerland) • “Void Formation in Solder Joints under Power Cycling Conditions and its Effect on Reliability,” Jei Mei et al., (Bosch, Germany) A very warm thank you goes to all the volunteers from the LAAS, CNES, IMS, and IRT Saint-Exupery lab team, to the support of Région Occitanie, INSA de Toulouse, the COMET from CNES, and the University of Toulouse and Bordeaux. Anda special thanks to the speakers, attendees, and industrial exhibitors who created this memorable event. Do not miss the 31st European Symposium on Reli- ability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, ESREF 2020, on October 5-8, in Athens, Greece. Mark your calendar for this event, and visit the ESREF website at for updated information. Toasting during the gala dinner at the Aeroscopia museum. Place du Capitole, the city center. Whether networking at events or accessing information through EDFA , ISTFA proceedings, or journals, our members have the edge. Now it’s time to introduce EDFAS to others in the industrywhowould like to take advantage of these career- enhancing benefits. Help us help the industry by expanding our membership and offering others the same exceptional access to information and networking that sets EDFAS apart. To reacquaint yourself with and introduce others to the EDFAS member benefits, visit EDFAS MEMBERSHIP
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