November_EDFA_Digital 61 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 4 “THE FACILITY WOULD COMBINE UNIQUE SYNCHROTRON CAPABILITIES WITH EXPERIENCED AND ESTABLISHED TECHNICAL STAFF IN A MANNER THAT CANNOT BE MATCHED BY MOST GOVERNMENT OR PRIVATE LABS.” The NIST beamline suite at NSLS-II is by far the most complex suite of integrated beamlines at the nation’s newest synchrotron facility, combining a broad range of energies with nine independent experimental endsta- tions. As such, theNIST beamline suite acts as a successful model for a proposed suite of dedicated beamlines for IC validation, which would combine hard x-ray beam- line for tomography with a soft x-ray beamline(s) for hyperspectral large area rapid full-field chemical delayer imaging of full die. I believe a comprehensive solution to IC deprocessing combines high resolution spectroscopic electron-based imaging frombackside thinned die of the first several layers with x-ray tomography of the upper layers. Ptychography [4] is beneficial, but not necessarily required, in such an approach. In the previous article, [1] we discussed the “imaging problem” limiting the rate at which high resolution images of IC structures may be acquired. The Large Area Rapid Imaging Analytical Tool (LARIAT) is a "non-scanned" full fieldhyperspectral chemi- cal imaging systemdeveloped through NIST, which is one example of the type of synchrotron-based technology that can be transformative in IC deprocessing. [5] The LARIAT can acquire hyperspectral chemical images over a 20 x 20 mm area in just three seconds (limited currently by camera readout). This is several orders ofmagnitude faster than the most rapid scanning electron imaging systems. Moreover, due to the tunable monochromatic nature of the source, the x-ray energy is tuned to the species of inter- est (i.e., silicon, phosphorous, nitrogen, boron, copper, tungsten) to optimize x-ray absorption. Maximizing the x-ray absorption in turnmaximizes the secondary electron yield used for energy filtered electron imaging. PROPOSAL Synchrotron-induced electron imaging overcomes laboratory-based electron imaging for rapid ICdeprocess- ing in several important ways: 1) Full field illumination