November_EDFA_Digital 55 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 4 Force Microscopy with Simultaneous Tunneling Feedback [on Non-Flat Surfaces],” Phys. Rev. Lett., 2019, 122, p 196101; also see S. Gauthier: “ Viewpoint: Atomic Force Microscope Images Molecules in 3D,” Physics, 2019, 12, p 53. • A. Miyagi and S. Scheuring: “A Novel Phase-Shift- Based Amplitude Detector for a High-Speed Atomic Force Microscope,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89, p 083704. • R.A. Murdick, W. Morrison, D. Nowak, et al.: “Progress Reviews: Photoinduced Force Microscopy: A Technique for Hyperspectral Nanochemical Mapping,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2017, 56, p 08LA04. • E. Persky, N. Vardi, Y. Shperber, et al.: “Improving the Sensitivity of Scanning Probe Microscopy with Mechanical Vibrations,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 2018, 113, p 173101. • A. Ranjan, K.L. Pey, and S.J. O’Shea: “The Interplay between Drift and Electrical Measurement in Conduction Atomic Force Microscopy,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 90, p 073701. • I.W. Rangelow, T. Ivanov, A. Ahmad, et al.: “Review Article: Active Scanning Probes: A Versatile Toolkit for Fast Imaging and Emerging Nanofabrication,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2017, 35, p 06G101. • B. Walter, E. Mairiaux, and M. Faucher: “Atomic Force Microscope Based on Vertical Silicon Probes,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 2017, 110, p 243101. • A.A. Zhukov, V.S. Stolyarov, and O.V. Kononenko: “Two-Probe Atomic-Force Microscope Manipulator and its Applications,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88, p 063701.