November_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 4 54 LITERATURE REVIEW T his column covers peer-reviewed articles published since 2017 on proximity and near-field techniques. These are techniques requiring a probe or tip to be in proximity of a surface to be analyzed. These techniques can achieve extremely high resolution, in some cases atomic resolution. Examples include atomic forcemicroscopy (AFM), near scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), scanning probemicroscopy (SPM), and scanning thermal microscopy (SThM). Note that inclusion in this list does not vouch for the article’s quality and category sorting is by no means strict. If you wish to share an interesting, recently published peer-reviewed article with the community, please forward the citation to the above email address and I will try to include it in future installments. Entries are listed in alphabetical order by first author, then title, journal, year, volume, and first page. Note that in some cases bracketed text is inserted into the title to provide clarity about the article topic. Peer-Reviewed Literature of Interest to Failure Analysis: Proximity and Near-Field Techniques Michael R. Bruce, Consultant • B.O. Alunda, Y.J. Lee, and S. Park: “A Simple Way to Higher Speed Atomic Force Microscopy by Retrofitting with a Novel High-Speed Flexure- Guided Scanner,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2018, 57, p 06HJ02. • R. Borgani, P-A Thorén, D. Forchheimer, et al.: “Background-Force Compensation in Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy,” Phys. Rev. Applied, 2017, 7, p 064018. • A. Buchter, J. Hoffmann, A. Delvallée, et al.: “Scanning Microwave Microscopy Applied to Semiconducting GaAs Structures,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89, p 023704. • O.E. Dagdeviren: “Limit of Temporal Resolution in Atomic Force Microscopy: Speed of Imaging with Atomically Engineered Tips While Preserving Picometer-Range Spatial Resolution,” Phys. Rev. Applied, 2019, 11, p 024068. • G. Dai, L. Koenders, J. Fluegge, et al.: “Fast and Accurate: High-Speed Metrological Large-Range AFM for Surface and Nanometrology,” Meas. Sci. Technol., 2018, 29, p 054012. • A. Doi, M. Nakajima, S. Masuda, et al.: “Cross- Sectional Observation in Nanoscale for Si power MOSFET by Atomic Force Microscopy/Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy/Scanning Capacitance Force Microscopy,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 2019, 58, p SIIA04. • F. Huber and F.J. Giessibl: “Low Noise Current Preamplifier for qPlus Sensor Deflection Signal Detection in Atomic Force Microscopy at Room and Low Temperatures,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88, p 073702. • F. Hui and M. Lanza : “[Review:] Scanning Probe Microscopy for Advanced Nanoelectronics,” Nature Electronics, 2019, 2, p 221. • J. Jang, H.M. Yoo, L.N. Pfeiffer, et al.: “Full Momentum- and Energy-Resolved Spectral Function of a 2D Electronic System [using Momentum- and Energy-Resolved Tunneling Spectroscopy],” Science, 2017, 358, p 901; also see C. Varnava: “A Deeper Probe of Electronic Structure,” Nature Electronics, 2018, 1 , p 3. • A. Kainz, H. Steiner, J. Schalko, et al.: “Distortion- Free Measurement of Electric Field Strength with a MEMS Sensor,” Nature Electronics, 2018, 1, p 68. • R. Kizu, I. Misumi, A. Hirai, et al.: “Development of a Metrological Atomic Force Microscope with a Tip- Tilting Mechanism for 3D Nanometrology,” Meas. Sci. Technol., 2018, 29, p 075005. • J. Kreith, T. Strunz, E.J. Fantner, et al.: “A Versatile Atomic Force Microscope Integrated with a Scanning Electron Microscope,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88, p 053704. • S.A. Korolyov and A.N. Reznik: “Quantitative Characterization of Semiconductor Structures with a Scanning Microwave Microscope,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89, p 023706. • D. Martin-Jimenez, S. Ahles, D. Mollenhauer, et al.: “Bond-Level Imaging of the 3D Conformation of Adsorbed Organic Molecules using Atomic