November_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 4 50 TRAINING CALENDAR LIFELONG LEARNING EDFAS believes in lifelong learning and supporting ourmembers and customers in that endeavor. Our goal is to provide a list of educational resources in failure analysis and related topics in each issue of EDFA magazine. In addition, explore all EDFAS has to offer from regional events, chapter courses, and tutorials and courses during ISTFA. Find out more by visiting Rose M. Ring, Lam Research November 2019 (cont'd) EVENT DATE LOCATION Principles of Failure Analysis 11/4-7 Novelty, OH International Symposium on Testing and Failure Analysis 11/10-14 Portland, OR Metallographic Techniques 11/11-14 Novelty, OH Metallurgy of Steel for the Non-Metallurgist 11/18-20 Novelty, OH Advanced Metallographic Techniques 11/18-21 Novelty, OH Contact: ASM International PV and PV Materials Japan TC Chapter Conference (ASTC) 11/5 Tokyo Advanced Semiconductor Technology Conference (ASTC) 11/7-8 Singapore FLEX Southeast Asia 2019 Conference (ASTC) 11/7-8 Singapore Combating Aggressive Supply Chain Management 11/19 Milpitas, CA Contact: SEMI SMTA San Diego Expo & Tech Forum 11/5 Escondido, CA SMTA LA/Orange County Expo & Tech Forum 11/7 Long Beach, CA Advanced Electronics Assembly 11/9 Budapest, Hungary SMTA Space Coast Expo & Tech Forum 11/20 Melbourne, FL Advanced Electronics Assembly 11/21 Oradea, Romania Contact: STMA November 2019 EVENT DATE LOCATION Control and Optimization of Renewal Energy Systems (CORES) 11/11-13 Anaheim, CA Contact: IASTED SEMICON Europa 2019 11/12-15 Munich Contact: SEMI Europe IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan (ICSJ) 11/18-20 Kyoto, Japan Contact: lEEE December 2019 EVENT DATE LOCATION International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) 12/1-5 San Francisco Contact: IEDM ASM Global Materials Summit 12/3-5 Marco Island, FL Contact: ASM International SMTA Silicon Valley Expo & Tech Forum 12/4 San Jose, CA Contact: SMTA IEEE 21st Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) 12/4-6 Singapore Contact: IEEE EPTC IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting 12/7-11 San Francisco Contact: IEDM SEMI Japan 12/11-13 Kyoto, Japan Contact: SEMI Japan Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems (EDAPS) 12/16-18 Kaohsiung, Taiwan Contact: EDAPS 2019