November_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 4 44 DIRECTORY OF INDEPENDENT FA PROVIDERS Rose M. Ring, Lam Research E lectronic companies of all types and sizes require failure analysis (FA) services. Our goal is to supply a resource of FA service providers for your reference files. The directory lists independent providers and their contact information, expertise, and types of technical services offered. INSIDIX NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING 14 rue Henri Dunant 38180 Seyssins France +33 (0) Services Offered: High resolution nondestructive testing of microelectronics materials, components, and sub- systems, NDT equipment sales and training, and develop- ment of new NDT technologies. Tools and Techniques: Scanning acoustic microscopy, 2D x-ray radiography, 3D computed tomography, lock-in thermography, topography and deformation measure- ment, and x-ray micro-fluorescence. INTERNATIONAL TIN ASSOCIATION (ITA) LABS Unit 3, Curo Park Frogmore, St Albans Hertfordshire, AL2 2DD, UK +44 (0) 1727.871.300 Services Offered: Chemical analysis testing, coating/ plating thickness testing, compositional analysis testing, counterfeit components detection, electronics bench- marking, electronics failure analysis, elemental analysis testing, environmental testing services, fire retardant material product development, packaging testing, PCB quality control, physical property testing, reliability testing, RoHS compliance testing, RoHS screening, solder alloy evaluation, and trace analysis testing. Tools and Techniques: Determination of gel content and swell ratio, differential scanning calorimetry, dilatom- etry, dye & pry analysis, ED-XRF, FT-IR analysis, hardness testing, ICP-AES, impact testing, joint strength analysis, limiting oxygen index (LOI), microsectioning, NBS smoke density test, optical microscopy, particle size analysis, Rockwell hardness testing, RoHS bromine speciation analysis, salt spray testing, SEM/EDX, shore hardness testing, simultaneous thermal analysis, solderability testing, thermal cycling, UL-94 vertical/horizontal flame test, Vickers hardness testing, WD-XRF testing, BET surface areameasurement, bromine FR analysis, and counterfeit components testing. KARS’ ADVANCED MATERIALS INC. Testing and Research Labs 2528 W. Woodland Dr. Anaheim, CA 92801 714.527.7100 Services Offered: Failure analysis, microscopy and x-ray analysis, mechanical testing, and materials science and engineering consulting. Tools and Techniques: Optical microscopes, SEM, FTIR, Micro-Raman, XRF, EDX spectroscopy, x-ray fluo- rescence, fractography, hardness, metallography and microstructures, 2D x-ray radiography, and 3D computed tomography. NANOPHYSICS ANALYTICAL SERVICES NanoPhysics B.V. De Veldmaat 10 7522 NM Enschede The Netherlands +3153.711.3618 Services Offered: Failure analysis, material analysis, and FIB services. Tools and Techniques: Scanning acoustic microscopy (SCAMor SCAT), x-ray inspection 2Dand 3D, dual beamFIB cross-sectioning, conventional cross-sectioning, optical or electron microscopy, SEM with EDX, IC decapsulation, FIB chip modification/probe pad deposition, OBIRCH fault localization, PEM fault localization, TEM analysis, TEM sample preparation, HR-TEM, STEM-HAADF, AFM, scanning capacitance microscopy, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy. PROCESS SCIENCES INC. 310 S. Brushy St. Leander, TX 78641 512.259.7070 Services Offered: Assembly rework/repair and labora- tory services, PCB/BGA failure analysis, IC counterfeit
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