November_EDFA_Digital 41 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 4 ALLIED HIGH TECH PRODUCTS INC. BOOTH 403 Evactron® De-Contaminators by XEI Scientific Inc. are world leaders in remote RF plasma cleaning of carbon contamination in vacuum chambers. Evactron plasma cleaners use a unique, energy-efficient hollow cathode plasma source to generate oxygen radicals plus UV from nitrogen metastables for dual-action removal of adventitious carbon at turbo molecular pump pressures. The new Evactron E50 E-TC De-Contaminator with touchpad control outperforms other remote plasma cleaners and is easy to use, reliable, compact, and low cost: perfect for your SEM or FIB. XEI SCIENTIFIC INC. BOOTH 414 For over 36 years, Allied High Tech Products has provided sample preparation products for microscopic evaluation to the microelectronics industry. Allied manufactures state-of-the-art equipment at its California headquarters, and all design, manufacturing, and assembly takes place in-house to ensure the highest-quality equipment is produced. Items on display include Allied’s state- of-the-art X-Prep® Precision Polishing/ Grinding/Milling Machine, MultiPrep™ Polishing System, TechCut™ Sectioning Saws, and Zeiss microscopes. A range of consumable products will also be shown. Visit these key exhibitors and more at ISTFA '19 in the Exhibit Hall of the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. Exhibition dates and times* Tuesday, November 12 Show hours: 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Networking reception: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 13 Show hours: 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Dessert reception: 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. *Times are subject to change EXHIBITORS SHOWCASES BOOTH 803 BOOTH 303 ISTFA 2019 The Tessent Diagnosis software accelerates defect localization in digital semiconductor devices. With layout-aware and cell-aware technology, interconnect as well as transistor-level defects can be precisely identified based on manufacturing test fail data. Tessent YieldInsight delivers machine learning-based statistical analysis to guide failure analysis to picking the right die to find the right defect. MENTOR, A SIEMENS BUSINESS BOOTH 707 Software for a FASTER SMARTER Lab! • FA-LIMS: The only laboratory information management system built specifically for failure analysis and materials characterization labs. Configured to match your specific workflow and terminology requirements. Improve lab productivity and efficiency! • RE-LIMS: For reliability and quality assurance labs. Generate qual plans quickly, track all times and results, manage priorities and resources. Interfaces with FA-LIMS. • PCI-AM (Automated Measurement of Semiconductor Features) Version 5.0: This module for Quartz PCI provides automated measurement features for engineers who measure different types of semiconductor device features. Now you can fully characterize a folder of images with a single click! QUARTZ IMAGING CORPORATION Checkpoint Technologies develops and manufactures innovative optical failure analysis tools used by semiconductor manufacturers to improve the speed and reliability of integrated circuits. Our prod- ucts, which range from OEM components to fully-integrated, end-user solutions, reflect our fundamental commitment to maximizing value by adapting technology to meet specific market needs. CHECKPOINT TECHNOLOGIES LLC
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