November_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 4 28 ABOUT THE AUTHORS William Courbat worked in Berkeley, Calif., in the atomic force microscope (AFM) industry after earninghismaster’s degree innanotechnology andelectrical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. While in Berkeley, he specialized in electrochemical characterization of materials under electrolytes. After a second project in the field of AFM, he joined Imina Technologies as an application specialist. Jörg Jatzkowski received his masters of engineering at the University of Applied Science in Merseburg, Germany, in 2011. Since that time, he has been working in the research group Diagnostic of Semiconductor Technologies at Fraunhofer IMWS/CAM in Halle, Germany. His research field is failure analysis on Si and III/V-based electronic devices mainly for automotive applications. He is an expert in electrical fault isolation by nanoprobing and e-beam based localization techniques for IC level diagnostics. ABOUT THE COVER a. “Color Spectrum.” The image shows an optical micrograph of a cleavage fracture on a germanium substrate for an electro-optical application. The fracture resulted in the dispersion and diffraction of light resulting in this rainbow- like image. Photo by Luigi Aranda, Raytheon Failure Analysis Lab, Second Place Winner, Color Images. b. “Casper over Silicon.” Etching of nanoporous silicon and follow-up encapsulation for cross-section resulted in inad- equate outgassing. Photo by Carols R. Cuellar, Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems, Second Place Winner, Black & White Images. c. “Fern Leaves.” Unetched aluminum on a bond pad after pad cratering test. Photo by Krizalyn Oligario, Analog Devices Philippines Inc., Third Place Winner, Color Images. d. “Christmas Lantern.” NaOH crystallization post pad cratering test. Photo by Melissa Caseria, Analog Devices Philippines Inc., Third Place Winner, Black & White Images. All images from the 2018 EDFAS Photo Contest. Advertise in Electronic Device Failure Analysis magazine! For information about advertising in Electronic Device Failure Analysis: Elaine Yusa, Business Development Manager 312.304.1555, Current rate card may be viewed online at
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