November_EDFA_Digital 1 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 4 DEPARTMENTS ESD Challenges on RFID Devices Peter Jacob Using the example of smart card radio frequency identi- fication (RFID) devices, this article identifies electrostatic discharge risk scenarios during assembly and in the field, and outlines useful countermeasures. ABOUT THE COVER See page 28 for a description of the contest winners’ collage on the cover. Author Guidelines Author guidelines and a sample article are available at edfas. org. Potential authors should consult the guidelines for useful information prior to manuscript preparation. 4 14 A RESOURCE FOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS NOVEMBER 2019 | VOLUME 21 | ISSUE 4 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS 2 GUEST EDITORIAL Ryan Ross 40 ISTFA 2019 EXHIBITORS LIST 41 ISTFA 2019 EXHIBITORS SHOWCASE 42 EDFAS AWARDS 42 ASM AWARDS 44 DIRECTORY OF FA PROVIDERS Rose Ring 46 PRODUCT NEWS Ted Kolasa 50 TRAINING CALENDAR Rose Ring 54 LITERATURE REVIEW Mike Bruce 56 BOOK REVIEW David Burgess 60 GUEST COLUMNIST Ed Principe 64 ADVERTISERS INDEX Faster and More Accurate Failure Analysis: Circuit Editing and Short Localization Performed at Same Tilt Angle using Multiple Techniques William Courbat and Jörg Jatzkowski A recent trend aimed at optimizing the variables of time and accuracy in semiconductor failure analysis involves combining the use of different tools and techniques. This paper describes a new workflow that combines FIB, GIS, and nanoprobing techniques, all performed at the same FIB tilt position. 22 For the digital edition, log in to, click on the “News/Magazines” tab, and select “EDFA Magazine.” Post-FIB Cleaning of TEM Specimens from 14 nm and Other FinFETs by Concentrated Argon Ion Milling Cecile Bonifacio, Michael Campin, Kevin McIlwrath, and Paul Fischione Fast and reproducible TEM specimen preparation is essential for FinFET characterization. This article presents concentrated small spot, low energy milling as a post-FIB cleaning step for reproducible specimen preparation of advanced devices with specimen thickness of less than 20 nm. 14 4 Device Reliability Challenges in Advanced FinFET Technology Xinggong Wan Device reliability challenges in FinFET are discussed from many perspectives, such as implantation tuning, annealing temperature, and characterizationmethodol- ogy. Tohighlight the challenges, threemaindegradation mechanisms for CMOS device reliability are explored: hot carrier injection, bias instability, and time-depen- dent dielectric breakdown. 30 22 30
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