August_EDFA_Digital 9 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 3 IC at the outset of the delayering process. This ensures the SEM imaging is of the highest qualitywithminimal surface topography at the layers, which require the highest image resolution. In addition, this workflow allows for electri- cal testing and interrogation of a “live” device. The fact that the ultra-thinning is also an automated, feedback- controlled precision process permits optimal integration into the overall workflow. The ability to independently program the operation of the pFIB, SEM, detectors, and stage using Python (or any preferred language) via an open application programmer interface (API) cannot be overstated. Further, when the programmable instrument control is coupled through an independent computational engine, it creates a bidirec- tional communication interface toenablecomputationally guided microscopy (CGM). After this interface is estab- lished, it is possible to fetch images as they become avail- able and perform near real-time data validation as well as standard operations for distortion correction, stitching, andmontage display. More importantly, the bidirectional communication enables feedback to implement adaptive scanning strategies, compressed sensing, or adaptive ion dwell time at the pixel level to track and correct surface roughening. A computational engine running Dragonfly from Object Research Systems (ORS) as the image pro- cessing and 3D visualization enginewas employed for this article’s research. Figure 3 shows the autodelayering setup and control interface linking Dragonfly to the FIB-SEM. The degree of open instrument control enabled through an API varies widely depending on the instru- ment vendor. However, vendors are being compelled to provide more complete and open APIs due to end-user pressure driven by opportunities in CGM. Users would be wise to negotiate the type and extent of API capabilities with vendors during an instrument purchase. While the automated deprocessing of ICs described above repre- sents the state of the art, there are several requirements that drive the need for improvements. The main desired enhancements are related to increased data acquisition speed and larger area. The next few sections describe potential methods to increase speed and expand area coverage with laboratory-based instruments as well as synchrotron-based instruments. THE ‘IMAGING PROBLEM’ Next is an examination of the “imaging problem” and the limitations associated with traditional scanning elec- tron imaging. It is assumed that any optimal deprocessing workflow begins with ultra-thinning from the backside of the die. For the sake of this discussion, it is also assumed Fig. 2 Automated plasma FIB tomography created through the automated delayering process (five layers). Integrated circuit is from a smart card chip. Data shown was generated at FICS Research. The chip was ultra-thinned from the backside prior to pFIB delayering using the Varioscale VarioMill. Tomographic data was processed using Dragonfly by ORS. Fig. 3 The automated delayering user interface couples communication and feedback between the compu- tational engine and the FIB-SEM to permit CGM.
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