August_EDFA_Digital 13 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 3 delayering process. While most of the sputtered material is in the form of neutrals, the yielded ions may be captured and analyzed to add elemental surface composition. If post-ionization methods are applied (i.e., laser post-ionization), the yield is further enhanced. SIMS hyperspectral data may in turn be combined and interleaved with SEM imaging data using data fusion methods. As a surface analytical technique, the SIMS functions as a sensitive EPD scheme tomonitor delayeringprog- ress and uniformity. The compact SIMS shown in Fig. 8a is the design of Ion Innovations andutilizes a novelminiaturizedadaptationof a classicmagnetic sectormass spectrograph. Thismass spectrograph incorporates compressive sensing techniques (spatially coded apertures) and stigmatic lens designs to maintain high resolving power and sensitivity for its size. [3-4] Dual polarity (not simultaneous) and single polar- ity designs are available and offer simultaneous acquisi- tion of the full mass spectra within a specified range. [5] COMPACT AES INSTRUMENTATION Analogous to the benefits of SIMS while conduct- ing GAE ion delaying, AES contributes complementary analytical information concurrent with SEM image data acquisition. In addition to the type I, II, and III secondary and backscatter electrons being induced, Auger electrons are also being induced by the primary electron beamwith a yield inversely proportional to the x-ray yield. Thus, AES is very attractive for light elements, including lithium. AES provides not only elemental information, but also chemi- cal signatures for many compounds used in ICs, such as nitrides and silicides. In addition, the surface sensitivity means that AES is also good for EPD. Similar to the SIMS hyperspectral data, AES hyperspectral data may also be integrated using data fusion methods. The compact AES detector envelope shown in Fig. 8(b) is a prototype devel- opment of PanoScientific LLC and may also be operated in an x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy mode. FEMTOSECOND LASER The femtosecond laser shown in the hardware model serves a dual purpose: It may be applied for nonthermal ablation directly, or for post-ionization during the SIMS data collection. There is also the potential for laser-medi- ated chemical etching. Together, the extremely short pulse laser and variable pulse laser are a powerful component of any deprocessing tool. CONCLUSIONS An API with a customgraphical user interface has been applied to link a computational engine for instrument control, data collection, and data visualization with bidirectional communication to a pFIB-SEM platform to achieve automated and unattended IC deprocessing (delayering) on a full die ultra-thinned from the back- side. This instrument control link forms the basis for the much broader andmore general methods of CGM. Such a platform facilitates the rapid development of functional- ity outside the resource limits and priorities of original equipment instrument vendors. This article describes advances for future laboratory- based instrumentation dedicated to IC deprocessing using a CGM platform. Applications include CS and PSFD moduleswithmachine learning toenhancedata collection speed and resolution. A “PIE” instrument configuration for IC deprocessing is proposed, which incorporates several processing modalities and analytical data collection modes beyond what is currently employed. A future article will highlight the application of synchrotron chemical imaging and x-ray tomographic methods to integrate with the deprocessing workflow. This workflowwould blend electron-based imaging from the backside with synchrotron-based x-ray tomographic methods to complete the reconstruction. REFERENCES 1. E.L. Principe, et al.: “Plasma FIB Deprocessing of Integrated Circuits from the Backside,” Electronic Device Failure Analysis, 2017, 19 (4), p. 36-43. 2. E.L. Principe, et al.: “Steps Toward Automated Deprocessing of Integrated Circuits,” Proc. Int. Symp. Test. Fail. Anal. (ISTFA), 2017. 3. Z.E. Russell:: “Coded ApertureMagnetic Sector Mass Spectrometry,” Dissertation, Duke University, 2015. [Online.] Available: http://hdl. 4. Z.E. Russell, S.T. DiDona, J.J. Amsden, et al.: J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom, 2016, 27 (4), p. 578-584. 5. U.S. Patent No. WO2017075470A1, 2015,. Washington: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Fig. 8 (a) Compact SIMS instrument designed by Ion Innovations for elementalmappingandendpoint detectionduring thedelayering process. (b) Compact AES in development by PanoScientific LLC, showing selected electron trajectories. Overall length is 300mm. (a) (b)
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