August_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 3 12 source set of network-based software tools and applica- tions, which provide a software infrastructure for use in building distributed control systems commonly used around the world in synchrotron facilities and particle accelerators. Using an EPICS backbone allows integration ofwell-establishedmethodswhile creatingauniformstan- dard for instrument control thatmaybeopenlydeveloped. GAS ASSISTED ETCHING Regardless of the ion source, an effective gas chemistry is critical to enable ion-based delayering, and gas chemis- tries are available for pFIB-SEMdelayering. In general, the goal of the gas chemistry in conjunctionwith appropriate ion beamenergy and current density is to homogenize the material removal of very heterogeneous structures con- sisting of varyingmetal density (i.e., copper and tungsten) and interlayer dielectric comprised of porous silicon. To achieve this, the gas chemistry is designed to impede the rate of the faster milling components in order to balance the process. Gas chemistry may be modulated depend- ing on the metal density in the region of interest. In the specific case of gallium FIB delayering, the gas chemistry also plays the critical role of minimizing redeposition by volatilizing sputtered species. Indeed, while galliummay be used effectively for delayering with an appropriate delayering gas, the fact that gallium is not inert makes it a less desirable source. Without a suitable gas chemistry, the interaction between redeposited gallium and copper can be extremely problematic. This issue is demonstrated in Fig. 7, which shows the “pooling” of gallium-copper interphases surrounding the etch area. Moreover, when considering very large area deprocessing on the scale of an entire die, it is important to ensure the surface does not become gas-starved. A single standard GIS needle proximal within ~150 µm of the surface will not evenly distribute an etch gas across an entire die, therefore alter- nativesmust be sought. An alternative could take the form of multiple GIS needles directed onto the die, incorpora- tion of a gas-concentrator shield, or even allowing the entire chamber environment to back-fill with the desired gas chemistry. All such options have specific advantages and disadvantages. Ideally, the best scenario provides an option formultiple gas chemistries and the ability to regu- late specific ratios of chemical species depending on the metal composition and density. In theworking design, the alternative of embedding the plumbing for the gas chem- istries into the sample carrier frame is considered. The gas chemistries can be manifolded and dispersed within the frames surrounding the four sides of the slightly recessed back-loaded die. This is another approach to achieving sufficiently uniform and concentrated gas chemistry at the near surface of the full die. ION SOURCE ALTERNATIVES A pFIB is not technically required to perform auto- mated IC deprocessing. However, it does provide a superior method to precisely open well-defined areas on the micron scale. Other source gases are also possible in a pFIB, such as argon, oxygen, nitrogen, helium, and sulfur hexafluoride. While these alternative gases have an inferior milling rate compared to Xe, they provide varying aspect ratios, or in the case of species like O and SF 6 , deliver active chemistry for secondary ion yield enhance- ment or chemical etching. Therefore, thepFIB is apowerful component of a comprehensive deprocessing tool. But in many ways, a BIB source ismore efficient over large areas and more economical in terms of capital expense to address the generic delayering of a full die. A BIB can effectively cover an entire diewith variable spot size and scanning options. It can also be configured for Xe, Ar, and other gases. While a BIB has lower brightness than a pFIB, that is not themost critical parameter when considering large area deprocess- ing. The SEM in this platform concept is located between the BIB and pFIB so that imaging may be performed when using either ion source. COMPACT SIMS INSTRUMENTATION A pFIB is a required ion source when ion delay- ering is conducted in combination with imaging SIMS, which allows simultaneous collection of secondary ions generated during the GAE ion Fig. 7 Interaction of Ga and Cu without gas-assisted etch chemistry. Left panel shows Ga EDS map is overlaid onto the SEM image, enclosing the region where the gallium FIB was etched in a 400 µm 2 area from the backside on an Opteron die. Right is a higher magnification composite SEM-EDS image taken from the area outlined in the left panel red box. Data shown was collected at FICS Research using a Bruker EDS.