May_EDFA_Digital 7 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 2 (25 mW), it is not completely unexpected, as the power density for the two scenarios is different. To compensate, we increased the power of the 1340-nm laser to 100 mW, which brings the power density to approximately 63% of the 532-nm laser. Figure 5c shows that the intensity and the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal are now more comparable to Fig. 5a, but the 532-nm laser still provides a better spatial resolution. CONCLUSION For visible and 1064-nm lasers, both localized heating a nd photocurrent generation occur, resulting in both TIVA (localized heating) and LIVA (photocurrent generation) signals. Typically, LIVA signals are the dominant signals. In some cases, TIVA signals are the dominant signals particularly when these lasers are used to locally heat test structures with no underlying transistors or devices with dense metallization. In these cases, both 1064-nm and 532-nm lasers can generate stronger TIVA signals with a better spatial resolution compared to those froma 1340-nm laser. The stronger TIVA signals are due to stron- ger laser absorption (less reflectance) and larger power density (for the same laser power) at these wavelengths compared to those at 1340 nm. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States government. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, awhollyowned subsidiaryof Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. REFERENCES 1. E.I. Cole, Jr., P. Tangyunyong, andD.L. Barton: “Backside Localization of Open and Shorted IC Interconnections,” IEEE 36th Ann. Int. Reliab. Phys. Symp. (IRPS), 1998, p. 129. 2. E.I. Cole, Jr., J.M. Soden, J.L. Rife, D.L. Barton, and C.L. Henderson: “Novel Failure Analysis Techniques using Photon Probing in a ScanningOptical Microscope,” IEEE 32nd Ann. Int. Reliab. Phys. Symp. (IRPS), 1994, p. 388. 3. DrBob, CC BY-SA 3.0, curid=1729695. 4. M.A. Miller, P. Tangyunyong, E.I. Cole, Jr., A. Pimentel, andD.M. Udoni: “Novel Defect Detection using Laser Based Imaging and TIVA with a Visible Laser,” Pro. Int. Symp. Test. Fail. Anal. (ISTFA), 2013, p. 392. ABOUT THE AUTHORS Paiboon Tangyunyong is a distinguished member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied and engineering physics fromCornell University. He has been with Sandia Labs since 1992. In addition to co-developing several scanning laser-based techniques for defect localization, he also worked extensively in developing AFM-based tools for failure analysis. He authored or co-authored over 67 technical papers with seven best-paper or outstanding-paper awards. Andrea Rodarte received a B.S. degree in physics from California State University, Fresno in 2004. She worked as an electrical engineer at Voltage Multipliers Inc. from 2005 to 2009 before attending graduate school at the University of California, Mercedwhereshe receivedaPh.D. inphysics in2014. Shedidpostdoctoralwork intheNanoEngineering Department at the University of California, San Diego before joining Sandia National Laboratories in 2017. She is currently a failure analysis engineer. Whether networking at events or accessing information through EDFA , ISTFA proceedings, or journals, our members have the edge. Now it’s time to introduce EDFAS to others in the industrywhowould like to take advantage of these career- enhancing benefits. Help us help the industry by expanding our membership and offering others the same exceptional access to information and networking that sets EDFAS apart. To reacquaint yourself with and introduce others to the EDFAS member benefits, visit EDFAS MEMBERSHIP
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