May_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 2 50 UNIVERSITY HIGHLIGHT FLORIDA INSTITUTE FOR CYBERSECURITY RESEARCH Navid Asadizanjani, Domenic Forte, and Mark Tehranipoor Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of Florida T he Florida Institute for CybersecurityResearch (FICS Research) at the University of Florida was estab- lished to be the premier multidisciplinary research institute for the advancement of cybersecurity in the U.S. FICS Research is directed by Prof. Mark Tehranipoor, Intel Charles E. Young Preeminence Endowed Chair Professor and IEEE Fellow. Themissionof FICSResearch is todirectly support the research needs of industry and government partners in a cost effective manner with pooled, lever- aged resources and maximized synergy. It functions as an epicenter for collaboration among industry, govern- ment, and academia and for workforce development for a diverse set of high quality graduate and undergraduate students. FICS Researchworks to advance knowledge and technologies in this emerging field while ensuring com- mercial relevance through rapid and effective technology transfer and establishment of start-up companies. FICS Research is unique. It is arguably the only insti- tute in the U.S. that provides advanced expertise in all aspects of cybersecurity and assurance including hardware, network, mobile, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), applied crypto, social sciences, law, and more. The institute covers all areas of information and hardware security, from investigating the security of nanotechnol- ogy devices to integrated circuits and systems security, from security theory and algorithms to IoT, as well as to larger cyber-physical systems. The FICS Research SeCurity and AssuraNce (SCAN) Lab at theUniversity of Florida contains state-of-the-art,multi- million dollar instrumentation that provides cutting-edge capabilities for research on a variety of hardware and soft- ware security issues and topics, such as device-to-system assurance, security, and integrity analysis. One of the primary areas of research at FICS is ensuring hardware trust (malicious insertion detection) and supply chain assurance (counterfeit detection). The faculty brings exceptional knowledge and expertise in circuit design, device fabrication, imaging, image processing, machine learning, andmaterials science to support suchwork. FICS Research faculty have developed advanced techniques Examples of state-of-the-art equipment on hand at the University of Florida’s SCAN Lab.
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