
edfas.org 45 ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 21 NO. 1 E DFAS is soliciting nominations for candidates for the EDFAS Board of Directors. Nominations are for member-at-large board positions for three-year terms beginning October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2022. Up to three positions are expected to be open for nominations, and any members of EDFAS in good standing are encouraged to nominate themselves or another member for one of these positions. New board members will be invited to join the November 2019 face- to-face meeting in Portland, Ore. Incumbents may also seek reappointment by notifying the Awards andNomina- tions Committee Chair, Zhiyong Wang. Nominations are extended to February 15. Candi- dates who initiate or accept nominations will be asked to provide a three-page nomination package that includes the candidate’s academic/business biography, failure analysis background, EDFAS and ISTFA involvement, vision for the future of EDFAS, photograph, and contact information. Nominationpackages shouldbe sent toMary Anne Jerson at maryanne.jerson@asminternational.org or call 440.338.5151. Service on the EDFAS Board of Directors involves plan- ning and driving the future strategy of your society. The board meets three times a year by teleconference and holds one face-to-face meeting at ISTFA. Board members also provide liaison support to several EDFAS committees, whichmay involve additional conference calls. Candidates are encouraged to ensure that they have the support of their employer for this activity. EDFAS is also seeking applicants for its student board member position. Students must be a registered under- graduate or graduate during the 2019-2020 academic year and must be studying or involved in a research area closely related to failure analysis. Application deadline for students is April 1. 2019 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Zhiyong Wang, Chair, EDFAS Awards and Nominations Committee Past President, EDFAS zhiyong.wang@maximintegrated.com T he EDFAS Board of Directors recognizes the need to empower members to elect those who serve them. Tomake this process easier, the EDFAS board recently streamlined theway boardmembers are elected, eliminating cumbersome and time-consuming stepswhile ensuring members have a voice. With the old process, nominations for board positions were solicited from the general membership. In addition, the EDFAS Awards and Nominations Committee recruited nominations to ensure a sufficient number of candidates to fill the open seats. Board members were then selected by popular vote through an online election. This solicitation effort and its success primarily determined the makeup of the board. In years where the number of candidates equaled the number of openings, no election was held and the nominated candidates were submitted for approval by the board. NEW ELECTION PROCESS FOR EDFAS BOARD MEMBERS EDFAS is now joining ASM’s other affiliate societies in adopting a common election process in which nomina- tions are still solicited from the general membership, but the candidates will now be elected through votes cast by members of the Awards and Nominations Committee. Final approval will be granted by the EDFAS board. EDFAS also added a new requirement that two of the five Awards and Nominations Committee members must come from theEDFASgeneralmembershipbecause ageneral election will no longer be held. The other three committee posi- tions are filled by the EDFAS immediate past president, president, and vice president. EDFAS members interested in serving on the commit- tee may contact Zhiyong Wang. Member participation is vital and we hope to hear from you. BOARD OF DIRECTORS