HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 6 2 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Hartford Hosts Career Panel On April 13, the Hartford Chapter held a virtual panel discussion of materials scientists and the industries in which they have found success. Entitled “ASM Panel Discus- sion: A Career of Many Stages,” the talk was especially help- ful to early career individuals who were engaged and stayed through the robust Q&A session. The event was hosted by Richard Mason and Jennifer Williams. Jay Cameron, P.E., and Dan Denis, P.E., served as panel leaders. Panelists included professionals from aerospace, academia, entre- preneurship, and more. Congratulations to this ASM Chapter celebrating a milestone of serving local members! Mexico — 5 Years Thank you for your commitment! We look forward to celebrating your future success! • ASM Pune • ASM India (Mumbai) • ASM Cleveland Young Professional Engagement: For achievements in actively engaging the young professional demographic within the Chapter’s boundaries, and/or successfully increas- ing the volunteer involvement of young professionals in Chap- ter events or operations. • ASM Brandywine Valley • ASM Ontario • ASM Pittsburgh IN MEMORIAM Theodore “Ted” Ralph Lundquist, 74, of Fremont, Calif., died on June 9. He was chief technology officer of DCG Systems Inc. Lundquist grew up in Woburn, Mass., and graduated from high school in 1965. He went on to earn three degrees in physics: his bachelor’s degree from MIT, master’s from the Uni- versity of Massachusetts, and doctorate from the University of Maryland. Lundquist acquired more than 30 years of experience in ion, elec- tron, and photon optics and instrumentation through his senior technology positions at NASA, Gatan, Schlum- berger, Credence, DCG Systems, and Zeiss. He traveled throughout Asia, Europe, and the U.S. connecting with customers, speaking at conferences, and collaborating with peers. Over the course of his life, he acquired at least 18 patents in his field. Lundquist was very active in the EDFAS/ISTFA community, and always a supportive presence as an exhibitor at ISTFA events. Lundquist Chapter Award Winners To recognize outstanding Chapter achievement, ASM organizes the Chapter Awards Program. Below are the Chap- ters that ASM Chapter Council deemed as outstanding in the following categories: Communications: For achievements in promoting active communication both to and within the Chapter mem- bership, or successfully implementing a new or creative com- munication strategy that has proven effective for Chapter membership. • ASM Bangalore Innovative Programming: For achievements in host- ing innovative programming events that engage the Chapter membership and provide new opportunities for growth of the Chapter and/or individual members with valuable activities that fulfill a professional need. • ASM Pune • ASM India (Mumbai) • ASM Detroit Membership Retention & Recruitment: For achieve- ments in creative recruitment, innovative outreach to new members, or successful retention efforts as a Chapter. • ASM Pune • ASM Houston Student Outreach: For achievements in the increase of student attendance/participation at Chapter meetings, success in hosting an ASM Materials Student Camp, K-12 out- reach event, or engagement of a local Material Advantage Student Chapter. Cameron Denis
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