HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 5 7 GIBBS AWARD WINNER ASM Names 2022 J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award Winner ASM is pleased to announce that Kallarackel T. Jacob, professor, department of materials engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Banga- lore, is the 2022 J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award recipient. His citation reads: “For outstanding leadership in research and education in the area of thermodynamics and phase equilibria of metal and ceramic systems, encom- passing innovation in experimental techniques and applica- tions to materials processing.” The Gibbs Award was established in 2007 to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of phase equilibria. The award honors J. Willard Gibbs, one of America’s great- est theoretical scientists. Originally proposed by the ASM Alloy Phase Diagram Committee, the award supports ASM’s strong brand identity and reputation in the field of phase diagrams. The J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award is endowed by QuesTek Innovations LLC. In addition to many other contributions, Gibbs laid the thermodynamics foundations of phase equilibria with his brilliant essay, “On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Sub- stances,” published in 1876 and in 1878 in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy . Create a Global Professional Network : The Global Net- work BTF and ASM staff made great strides in developing and expanding partnerships in Japan, France, and the U.K. Strategic plans have been developed for this initiative. This year, the India Task Force has been revived under the lead- ership of Past President Ravi Ravindran to work closely with our ASM India Council and India Chapters. These dynamic groups are actively working to expand ASM in India, and sev- eral new Chapters have been established there. Cultivate a Foundational Culture and Practice of Diver- sity, Equity, and Inclusion : The DEI BTF, working with ASM volunteers, gained Board approval for the establishment of the IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Awareness) Committee. The IDEA Committee has already been active in producing webinars and outreach activities to under- represented minorities and to our India Chapters. The DEI BTF, working with the ASM staff, has taken the first steps in heightening the Board’s awareness of DEI issues through focused training sessions. To convey ASM’s commitment to DEI, they have developed a document that was approved and signed by the Board entitled “Principles of a Stronger Community.” It is now posted on our website and has been featured in AM&P magazine. ASM values our Chapters and the service they offer our ASM membership. The Chapter BTF has brought together the Board, ASM staff, and Chapter Council to gain an under- standing of chapter needs and the focus of chapters in a virtually interconnected world. Member engagement is the lifeblood of ASM at the local, national, and international level. Chapters play an important role in this area. Our newest BTF is the Technical Committees and Aca- demic Engagement BTF. It is recognized that members in academia are a vital group not only to our Society but to the future of our materials community. This BTF will be working with a wide range of staff and volunteers to better serve and meet this community’s technical needs, and to foster con- nections between them and our industrial and governmen- tal community members. One of the tasks of the Board is to ensure that our governance documents are up to date. Our Past Presidents David Furrer and Sunniva Collins volunteered their services to undertake the considerable effort to review and update our three major documents: Constitution, Rules of Govern- ment, and Board Policy. Working with the Board, the revised Constitution was approved, published, and is now seeking membership approval at our Annual Meeting. All of this and more was done while working in a virtual environment. Our ASM staff has done a highly commend- able job developing tools and training to help the Society function virtually. These tools were implemented in an expedient manner, and it has provided our members with new ways to connect with each other. ASM Connect has fos- tered not only member communication but the ability to seek out technical help from experienced members, and to connect like-minded individuals. This had led to the devel- opment of new technical communities some of which have now formed technical committees. The interconnectivity of our membership and Chapters is expanding. The focus of my presidency has been on the future, and my actions have been to work collaboratively and situ- ate the Society to take advantage of the opportunities pre- sented. We are well positioned to thrive in the time ahead. ASM has a talented and hardworking Board of Trustees who are committed to ASM’s vision and mission, and to whom I would like to express my sincere thanks for their dedicated efforts. I look forward tomy final year on the Executive Com- mittee as the Immediate Past President. ASM President Diana Essock, FASM Jacob
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