
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 5 6 Of cial ASM Annual Business Meeting Notice The Annual Business Meeting of members of ASM International will be held virtually on: Monday, September 13 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Register for the virtual meeting online at: The purpose of the ASM Annual Business Meeting is the election of officers for the 2021-22 term, approval of proposed changes to the ASM Constitution, and transaction of other Society business. ASM Nominating Committee Nominations Due ASM International is seeking members to serve on the 2022 ASM Nominating Committee. The committee will select nominees for 2022-2023 vice president and trustee positions. Candidates for this committee can only be pro- posed by a Chapter through its executive committee, an ASM committee or council, or an affiliate society board. Nomina- tions are due December 15. For more information, contact Leslie Taylor at 440.338.5472 or leslie.taylor@asminterna-, or visit nominating-committee. Nomination Deadline for the 2022 Class of Fellows is Fast Approaching The honor of Fellow of the Society was established to provide recognition to ASM members for distinguished con- tributions in the field of materials science and engineering, and to develop a broadly based forum for technical and pro- fessional leaders to serve as advisors to the Society. Criteria for the Fellow award include: • Outstanding accomplishments in materials science or engineering • Broad and productive achievement in production, manufacturing, management, design, development, research, or education • Five years of current, continuous ASM membership Deadline for nominations for the class of 2022 is November 30, 2021. To nominate someone, visit the ASM website to request a unique nomination form link. Rules and past recipients are available at asminternational. org/membership/awards/asm-fellows or by contacting Christine Hoover, 440.671.3858 or christine.hoover@ ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Rising to Meet the Challenges: A Year of Change and Perseverance As I approach the final weeks of my term, I would like to say that it has been an honor to serve as the President of our esteemed Society. During this unprecedented period in history, the challenges have been considerable. Not only was the pandemic an overrid- ing factor for the latter half of my vice presidency but its impact has contin- ued until present day. Prior to my assuming the presidency, the Society had undergone a transition in leadership in order to realign ourselves with our ASM vision, mission, and strategic plan. These have been tumultuous times, indeed, but by charting and moving forward on a clear path it has helped us realize many new opportunities, meet the needs of our members, and better serve the materials community. In order for the Society to reach its goals, actions were undertaken to enhance communication throughout the organization, particularly between the Board and ASM staff. This initiative has gone hand in hand with reinstitut- ing the Board Liaisons to the Affiliate Societies and Society Councils. Additionally, the ASM staff and Board have worked together to improve communication regarding new and cur- rent programs by implementing a stage gate planning and monitoring process. As the complexity of the Society has grown with the many new initiatives, the focus of the Board Task Forces (BTFs) has broadened to ensure that the Board is intercon- nected to the ASM organization and volunteer Councils and Committees thus allowing for effective flow of information. The BTFs have developed in alignment with the four key ASM Strategic Initiatives: Develop a Digital-First Platform : The Digital BTF has effectively brought together the Board, the ASM staff involved with this key directive, Affiliates, and member-ex- perts in this developing realm to expand and advance our data ecosystem and computational offerings. We are effec- tively transitioning from digital-first to digital-forward. Establish an Interdisciplinary Collaboration Framework : Newly formed this year, the Interdisciplinary BTF is working collaboratively to develop, finalize, and implement a plan to engage organizations that have an interrelationship with the materials community. Developing mutually beneficial partnerships is the primary goal. Providing benefits to all engineering communities, designers, and manufactur- ers who use materials information is one of our Society’s key missions. Essock