
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 5 5 Prof. S.K. Sundaram, FASM Inamori Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Kazuo Inamori School of Engineering The New York State College of Ceramics Alfred University N.Y. For significant contributions to millimeter and terahertz wave diagnostics of materials and processes, and integrated processing of materials. Dr. Akane Suzuki, FASM Principal Engineer GE Research Niskayuna, N.Y. For innovative development of high-temperature alloys for critical components of aircraft engines and power-generation gas turbines and for advancing understanding of their degradation. Nominations Sought for 2022 ASM/TMS Distinguished Lectureship in Materials & Society Nominations are currently being taken for the ASM/ TMS Distinguished Lectureship in Materials & Society. The lecture was established in 1971 and is jointly sponsored by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) and ASM International. The topic of the lecture shall fall within these objectives: • To clarify the role of materials science and engineering in technology and in society in its broadest sense. • To present an evaluation of progress made in developing new technology for the ever-changing needs of technology and society. • To define new frontiers for materials science and engineering. Nominations may be proposed by any member of either Society. Submit your nominations by September 15 for consideration. Recommendations should be submitted to the headquarters of either Society. View sample forms, rules, and past recipients at nominate. To nominate someone for any of these awards, contact for a unique nomination link. You may also contact Deborah Hixon at TMS Headquarters, . Dr. Edward A. Payzant, FASM Distinguished Research and Development Staff Oak Ridge National Laboratory Tenn. For outstanding contributions to the characterization of nonequilibrium phenomena in materials using x-ray and neutron scattering techniques. Mr. Wesley D. Pridemore, FASM Consulting Engineer, Failure Analysis General Electric Aviation West Chester, Ohio For technical excellence and dedi- cation to disseminating his knowledge of the art and understanding of failure analysis of aircraft engine components. Dr. Iqbal Shareef, FASM Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Bradley University Peoria, Ill. For substantial contributions in the tribology of solid lubricant mate- rials used in space mechanisms and sustained commitment in educating students in materials engineering and manufacturing technologies. Mr. Fred A. Stevie, FASM Senior Researcher North Carolina State University Raleigh For 45 years of surface analy- sis innovation with key contributions to secondary ion mass spectroscopy and focused ion beam preparation for transmission electron microscopy. Dr. Mark R. Stoudt, FASM Staff Scientist National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Md. For outstanding contributions to the scientific understanding of the structure-property relationships of additively manufactured alloys and deformation induced surface roughness of lightweight automotive alloys. 2021 CLASS OF FELLOWS