FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 4 2 13 years with Surface Combustion as lead mechanical engi- neer, chief design engineer, and product engineer. In 2007, Hamizadeh moved from the OEM side to the consumer side of the heat treat industry, as senior heat treat engineer at American Axle Manufacturing. He earned increasing re- sponsibility, moving up through the ranks of manger and senior manager and was recently promoted to director of manufacturing services - heat treat. Carlos Torres is president and CEO of Mattsa Crio Group. With an industrial engineering background Torres has gained experienced visit- ing many heat treat locations for ap- plications in the U.S. and Mexico. He’s managed heat treat projects from scratch to full production and indus- trialization of heat treat programs for the last 15 years. Torres is an active member of the Metal Treating Institute and Industrial Heating Equipment Asso- ciation, and recently launched the Heat Treat Podcast on social media with the mission to deliver quality heat treat information and content to the new generations. Rodolfo Canales Garcia is a fourth-year materials engineering student at Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia. He is currently president of the board of directors of the student chapter AIST-ITM. As a materials en- gineering student he is passionate about steels and everything related to their processes and properties, in particular the use of heat treat- ment to modify their mechanical properties for different applications. HTS MEMBERS NAMED 2021 ASM AWARDEES AND FELLOWS The Heat Treating Society is pleased to announce two of its members have been named a recipient of a 2021 ASM Award or have joined the newest Class of Fellows. Congrat- ulations to all! Class of ASM Fellows Dr. Robert L. Cryderman, FASM, research associate professor, Colorado School of Mines, Golden. His citation reads: “For 50 years of steel product and process development through research, education, and commercial implementation of chem- ical composition and microstructural designs to optimize performance.” Dr. Govindarajan Muralidharan, FASM, distinguished research & de- velopment staff member, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. His citation reads: “For significant technical contributions in the research, development, and commercialization of high-temperature alloys for use in harsh environments prevalent in indus- trial process, energy, and automotive applications.” Distinguished Life Membership Pradeep V. Goyal, FASM, chair- man and managing director, Pradeep Metals Lmt., Navi Mumbai, India. His citation reads: “For his continuous life- long dedication to promoting industri- al activities in materials science and serving as a mentor to many under- privileged children at all levels.” Distinguished Life Membership was established in 1954 and is conferred on those leaders who have devoted their time, knowl- edge, and abilities to the advancement of the materials industries. The award is among the most prestigious of the Society. It is expected that all nominees will be truly outstanding. Engineering Materials Achievement Award (EMAA) QuesTek Innovations LLC, Evan- ston, Ill., and team members, Jeff Grabowski, Chris Kern, Dr. Thomas S. Kozmel, Dr. Gregory B. Olson, FASM, Dr. Jason T. Sebastian, and Kerem Taskin. HTS member names are bold. The citation reads: “For the design and commercialization of novel high- performance carburizable steels en- abling more dur- able, lighter weight transmission gears with increased power density.” Estab- lished In 1969, this award recognizes an outstanding achievement in ma- terials or materials systems relating to the application of knowledge of materials to an engineering structure or to the design and manufacture of a product. H T EATING SOCIETY NEWS 4 Torres Garcia Cryderman Muralidharan Goyal Kern Sebastian
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