1 A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 3 9 NONTRADITIONAL FLOW STRESS TESTING OF Ti-6Al-4V: CAPTURING CRITICAL TRANSITIONS IN MATERIAL BEHAVIOR DURING COOLING Kevin J. Zhang, Chase Sheeley, and Lesley D. Frame Creep strain behavior during coolingwas investigated by physical simulation, giving insight into the relationship of flow stress behavior andmicrostructure as a function of temperature and cooling rate. EDITORIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR HTPro IN 2021 The editorial focus for HTPro in 2021 reflects some key technology areas wherein opportunities exist to lower manufacturing and processing costs, reduce energy consumption, and improve performance of heat treated components through continual research and development. November/December Atmosphere & Vacuum Heat Treating To contribute an article to one of the upcoming issues, contact Vicki Burt at vicki.burt@ . To advertise, contact kelly.johanns@ . DEPARTMENTS 1 2 | EDITORIAL 13 | HEAT TREATING SOCIETY NEWS ABOUT THE COVER A sample installed in a Gleeble 3500 with Keyence optical micrometer assembled. Courtesy of University of Connecticut. TECHNICAL SPOTLIGHT DETECTING FLAWS IN ALUMINUM-ALLOY PARTS Amicroscope using differential interference contrast inspects grains and inclusions on heat treated aluminumparts to help predict the performance of themetal. EDITOR Victoria Burt TECHNICAL ADVISORS HTS R&D Committee PRODUCTIONMANAGER Toby Hansen NATIONAL SALESMANAGER Kelly Johanns 440.318.4702 HEAT TREATINGSOCIETY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Eric L. Hutton, President James P. Oakes, Immediate Past President Lesley Frame, Vice President HTPro is published three times per year by ASM International®, 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073, 440.338.5151, . Vol. 9, No. 2, Copyright ©2021 by ASM International®. All rights reserved. The acceptance and publication of manuscripts in HTPro does not imply that the editors or ASM International accept, approve, or endorse the data, opinions, and conclusions of the authors. Althoughmanuscripts published in HTPro are intended to have archival significance, authors’ data and interpretations are frequently insufficient to be directly translatable to specific design, production, testing, or performance applications without independent examination and verification of their applicability and suitability by professionally qualified personnel. 12 7
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