A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 2 7 is about $154, while the cost of 158 lb of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy used for the aluminum enclosure is around $278. CONCLUSION ColdStamp-Steel is a newly devel- oped steel for cold stamping EV struc- ture and safety components, including battery enclosures. Battery enclosures, such as the one proposed here made of galvanized ColdStamp-Steel, can be substituted for enclosures made of high-strength aluminum alloys without increasing their weight and while im- proving stiffness, strength, and durabil- ity. ~AM&P For more information: Gregory Varta- nov, chief engineer, Advanced Materials Development Corp., Toro nto, info@am-, References 1. New Steel Sheet Available for Cold Stamping, Advanced Materials & Processes, p 9, April 2016. 2. R. Gehm, Constellium Develops New Alloys for EV Battery Enclosures, Automotive Engineering, February 19, 2021, constel l ium-aluminum-ev-battery- enclosures. 3. Docol 1700M, data sheet, Novem- ber 26, 2019, brands/docol/products/docol-1700m. 4. MartINsite, datasheet, 2019, https:// A/Arcelormittal-USA-V2/what-we-do/ price-list/2019-03-datasheet-martensitic- final.pdf. 5. Kobelco, data sheet, 2019, www. kobe l co. co. j p/eng l i sh/products / download/ stee l -a lumi num/ f i l es / cold1300_1700hi.pdf. NEW FRONTIERS IN ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Panel discussion at IMAT 2021, St. Louis Monday, September 13 | 10:20 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Additive manufacturing (AM) enables part designers to control the shape, composition, and application characteristics for tailored final products. This panel will explore the potential of AM techniques that take advantage of design and fabrication of structures not possible by traditional means. Specifically, research pertaining to multimaterial AM for integrated functionality and novel composite design will be discussed as well as the need for fastidious microstructural control to yieldmetallic parts with a high degree of precision and consistency. Both progress and barriers to achieve superior performance capabilities will be addressed. The panelists will introduce and discuss examples of promising new or enhanced AM capabilities that are actively being researched or in early development/introduction stages. For each technology area, panelists will address: • Key potential applications and benefits • Current status of R&D efforts • Technical or other barriers that need to be resolved • How this technology may grow or evolve over time Moderator: • Dr. David B. Williams, FASM, The Ohio State University (ASM Vice President Elect) Panelists: • Dr. Dennis M. Dimiduk, FASM, BlueQuartz Software LLC, and The Ohio State University • Mr. Jeff Grabowski, QuesTek Innovations LLC • Dr. Tulsi Patel, NRC Postdoctoral Research Associate, Air Force Research Laboratory Organized by the ASM Emerging Technologies Awareness Committee. Williams
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